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I upgraded my iMac Late 2013 yesterday to BigSur. Everything went fine and it is working perfectly well. Now when trying to install the latest update (12.0.1), it is downloading, then rebooting and come back at the exact same step (ask to download Monterey and Install). Is there anything I need to do to make it work?

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The weird thing is that the installer downloaded from here a few days ago, but the SHA256 sum is completely different. I have a hash sum of the file:SHA256 (Install_macOS_12.0-21A5534d.dmg) = e87d1ac8e8fe8a144ac40c8e5e35847a4e6e8459e6be0cffd09b82871ccaa941

How did you install from InstallAssistant.pkg? If i install from InstallAssistant.pkg I only get a 32 MB Application Installer which complaints that it need to download additional content, which is not possible.

Thank you Thomas, I will edit that section to clarify that the USB installer part is broken. Quick question, did it install pretty quickly or did the install part before it restarted take a while like it was downloading?

Make it easy for people to discover and download your app using iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. With Safari Smart App Banners, you can display a banner that provides a direct link to your app on the App Store, or opens the app if the user already has it installed. Smart App Banners integrate seamlessly and are easy to implement.

You peple realize this is not extensivly pirated because it was free to use for personal and educational use right?This will be the new number one target to pirate from now i would suspect. And downloads of it will skyrocket in the coming months.. Hilarious decision..

I am incredibly thrilled that MuseScore 4 has been officially released! I've been following development of it everyday since October 2021 so it's nice to see it finally come out now. Anyways, I just downloaded the new Muse Hub and I keep having this issue... which I find weird since it always worked previously (I have had it installed since the Beta), I've also tried re-installing it to no avail. All of the sections don't work, plus it keeps throwing me an error that "Muse Hub helper service is not running" and when I click on Connect, nothing happens. Is anybody else getting this too?

After downloading Muse Hub, I try opening it, got a window that spun for a while seemed to be installing components. Now nothing happens when I try to open Muse Hub and I don't see any MuseScore 4 added to my apps

For me it just cannot download anything. By the way, I'm behind a company proxy, so that might be the problem, but unfortunately there is no option in the settings to specify proxy settings. It would be nice to have.

Hi,I'm suprise when you wrote there is no 32-bit version of MuseScore 4 because when I open download page I can see (in French) "Télécharger pour Windows (32bits)". (see picture)When I clic on th button it's redirecting me to GitHub too.Pierre

This is awesome! The interface looks really beautiful now, and things are so much easier to find. I have a couple of things I wanted to ask about:1. On Windows 11, opening the "Styles" menu causes MuseScore to crash. Is this a known bug?2. Are the new version of Leland and Leland Text available for download individually?

I couldn't even find the file to open Musescore Hub anywhere except in my default download library, which is named Temp and has all kinds of junk in it. When I dragged that file to desktop it made an icon which if I click on it, MuseScore hub opens, but only after a message which confusingly tells me that MuseScore hub will be installed. And when I went back to my Temp file, the MuseScore hub file which I downloaded there has disappeared. So where is the exe file I can use to open it now? If I delete the current icon link on my desktop, how will I be able to open MuseScore Hub?

That's true, but presumably I only need the update right before I open musescore. That's even if I need up to date playback at that point. Most people probably aren't in Musescore so often that they need MuseHub constantly running and updating. And most update so far are not that big that a modern internet connection can't download the whole thing in a minute or two. Likewise I'm not a fan of a constantly running service running in the background on MacOS and Linux. I like to choose when I want to update. Musescore isn't so mission critical that I need the MuseSounds updated right away. But that's my feeling on it. Anyway I'll post my concerns on that link you mention

I think the other user above me has hit most of my concerns in a far better-phrased manner. However, the one other thing I want to restate is that it's very bizarre to have Muse Hub not consider itself a window at all. For example, say I open Muse Hub and press install on Muse Brass, go to another window for a little bit then decide I want to check on my Muse Brass download and maybe install Muse Woodwinds as well. My options are to either (1) search it from the start menu, or (2) go find it in the more section of the tray. To me, both of these are unnecessarily lengthy processes when I could just as easily have had the Muse Hub window sitting on the taskbar, ready for reactivation.

One question still I'd be grateful if someone would answer. I still have a file Muse_Hub.exe in my default download library, which I use as a temp library. Can I delete that, or should I move it elsewhere? Thanks for any enlightenment.

I downloaded for Linux. Installed the Hub and downloaded the sound sets. Everything works great and the sound playback is integrated amazingly well to the notation. 2 Questions:1. Are the audio plugins not yet available for Linux in the Hub?2. I can't seem to find the midi timecode output for Musescore 4. Please don't tell me that a setting for this feature has been removed! MTC output allowed Musescore versions in the past to utilize scoring to picture through a slave video player. This is a very basic feature on the proprietary software options and would exclude me from using the new version. Simple... just access to the midi timecode out socket in any format (Jack, Alsa... anything).

FINALLY! The hub connected and I was able to get the Muse instruments downloaded. Ran an old composition through it and the sounds are magnificent. Lots of velocity and articulation variation and so long as the dynamic markings are placed properly, the interpretation is fantastic.Demo: Counting down the seconds until we can get a sync video player in there... I hope I'm not counting long.

I downloaded for Windows 10, ran the file "Muse_Hub". A pop-up opened shortly saying that MuseHub is being made ready, then the pop-up closed and nothing happened... Will there be a working version soon or am I doing something wrong?

After I downloaded version 4.0, I kept running into a playback issue. When using the new Muse Sounds, some notes do not have playback. This is mainly apparent in the higher and lower range of the instrument. Is anyone else having this issue? If so how did you fix it?

I downloaded MuseScore 4 and Muse Hub this morning. I imported a few files that were originally created in MuseScore 3. Two brass quintet files played back very nicely with real instrument sounds. A full score for small concert band did not play back well. Sounds were garbled and did not line up rhythmically. Any recommendations?

Torrenting can be used to download and distribute any type of file. This includes copyrighted material such as music, movies and TV shows, but also free or public content, and content from companies looking to reduce server costs.

Early file-sharing networks like Napster were also based on peer-to-peer networks, but with significant differences to the now dominant BitTorrent. Using Napster as an example, users would make folders directly available to the network, with any downloader connecting directly to the source and downloading it in its entirety from there.

You can think of trackers as the phone-books of BitTorrent. When a peer downloads a torrent file (or accesses a magnet link, more on this later), part of that file is the URL needed to connect to the tracker (or multiple trackers). A torrent client then takes that URL and sends a message to the tracker, which provides a list of other peers.

Once two peers are connected, they will use the remaining content in the torrent file (namely a hash that represents the file contents) to identify and exchange the pieces of the file that they are missing. This is significant, as it means the information detailing the actual contents of the files is not located within the tracker, but rather within the torrent file itself.

Once a peer has acquired multiple pieces of a file, they can maintain multiple transfer sessions simultaneously, exchanging pieces with multiple other peers at the same time. This is why most torrents start downloading at low speeds, but get faster as more pieces are acquired.

As we mentioned earlier, all the information you need to access the shared data is located within a torrent file. These are created by the original distributor of the data, who then becomes the original seeder when they upload the file to a hosting site such as The Pirate Bay.

Magnet links contain the same information that torrent files do, namely the tracker URL, hashes of the file pieces and the number of pieces. However, instead of being delivered in a file that your torrent client has to open, magnet links open the torrent client and deliver the information directly, much like how regular web links and web browsers function.

As we covered earlier, a torrent tracker is the place where your torrent client goes in order to find a list of peers for any given torrent. These trackers come in two broad categories: private and public.

Private trackers, on the other hand, usually require a login to access, and often necessitate users to spend a certain amount of time seeding files. They do this in order to maintain a certain ratio of uploads to downloads.

With the server-client model, the cost of distribution involves up-front costs and quickly sky-rockets as the number of users increases. With the peer-to-peer model (and especially BitTorrent), the opposite is true. The more users downloading your file, the faster the download is for everyone, and setup and maintenance costs are virtually non-existent. 2ff7e9595c

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